DUI books by David N. Jolly

Detailed Information on DUIs - www.washdui.com

Check out our very detailed website for specific information about DUI Law and your case: www.washdui.com

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

DUI Driver Poops Pants - seriously! Island County DUI Attorney David N. Jolly

The news of the arrest of an Elyria woman for drunk driving in Ohio comes with some unusual details. Officers say that Wendy Phillips pulled out in front of a police cruiser last Friday afternoon and then drove off the side of the road and nearly hit a stop sign. They stopped her just a block away from the police station.
As the officers approached the vehicle, Phillips threw a bottle of vodka out the window. It broke on the courthouse drive. Phillips was unable to stand without help and she then told the arresting officers, "I pooped my pants. I ate too much corn."
Phillips, 46, was charged with driving under the influence in Ohio, child endangerment and failure to maintain control of her vehicle. She has a prior Ohio DUI arrest.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Donald Duck Charged with DUI - seriously! Island County DUI Attorney David N. Jolly

According to reports, a man repeatedly hit another vehicle while in drive-thru at Little Caesar's.  A 51-year old man with the name Donald Duck was charged with drunk driving in Ohio after an incident at a Little Caesar's Pizza druve-thru. Duck allegedly repeatedly struck the vehicle ahead of him with his 1998 Jeep. Investigating Massillon Police Department officers said that Duck had red-glassy eyes and smelled of alcohol. When the OH DUI suspect opened his door a bag of marijuana fell out of the vehicle.

Duck has four previous convictions for driving under the influence in Ohio, as well as arrests for driving with a suspended license. A police department spokesperson said that Duck is a "frequent flyer".
Duck was booked at the Stark County jail on third degree felony charges of DUI in Ohio, possession of drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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New Device "HawkEye" Checks Eyes to Detect DUI - but Snohomish County DUI attorney advises that device is not what it promises to be

AcunetX, a California firm, has developed a device that will aid police in determining if a motorist is driving under the influence. The 'HawkEye' uses infrared light to test the movement of the eye during a field sobriety test. The results are transferred to a computer.

The technology adds documentation to the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, which requires a motorist suspected of drunk driving to follow an officer's finger. The officer is looking for jerky motion in the eye which could be a sign of impairment.
Currently the California Highway Patrol has been using the HawkEye only as a training tool, not in the field. A few local police departments have begun trying the device at sobriety checkpoints. The HawkEye still faces the challenge of being accepted as a source of evidence in a DUI trial. The courts typically need time to consider the accuracy and dependability of any new technology.
However, be advised that HawkEye only records eye movement, and it does not reflect whether the officer is conducting the test correctly. There also continue to be medical conditions that cause natural jerkiness in eye movement, meaning the new technology must be used in conjunction with another test for driving while intoxicated, such as a breathalyzer.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Celebrity DUI App and Book from Snohomish County Attorney to be Released this Fall

In the months ahead the finishing touches on a new iTunes App and Book, Celebrity DUIs, will be complete.  Until that time we will be posting the occasional celebrity DUI with accompanying information.  The individuals who have been arrested for DUI may surprise you.  Please keep checking back to see who has been arrested and/or convicted of DUI.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Monday, June 28, 2010

Skagit County Woman Arrested for DUI then a Pocket of Drugs found

On June 17th an Anacortes officer stopped a car in the 800 block of 27th Street for speeding and weaving on R Avenue around 2:22 a.m. The driver, a 45-year-old Oak Harbor woman, had difficulty figuring out how to get the window down. She smelled strongly of alcohol and had slurred speech and clumsy movements. She failed field sobriety tests and was arrested. A small amount of marijuana was then found in her car. She provided breath samples one and a half times the legal limit. She was booked into jail. Jail staff found some prescription muscle relaxant pills in her pocket. She faces charges of DUI, possession of marijuana and possession of a drug without a prescription.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Woman in Anacortes Slams Door in Officer's Face then Officer Slams her for DUI

In Anacortes, Skagit County, on June 15th a witnesses reported an SUV on Oakes Avenue was "all over the road and running over things" around 10:14 p.m. A witness followed the vehicle to the 2500 block of Bryce Court where an officer arrived and saw the 51-year-old female driver staggering toward a house. She fell against the side of the house as she tried to get in the front door. Apparently the woman refused to identify herself and tried to slam the door in the Anacortes officer's face. The officer entered the house and told the woman she was under arrest (warrantless search issue?). She allegedly fought with the officer to keep from being handcuffed and pushed herself backwards and slammed the officer into a door frame. A second officer arrived and the woman was secured in a patrol car. She continued to be uncooperative and refused the breath test. She was booked into jail on charges of DUI and resisting arrest.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Anacortes Driver Parks, Told not to Drive by Cop, then Drives and is arrested for DUI

According to the Anacortes American, on June 15th  Police contacted a 63-year-old Burlington man in his vehicle parked near the 900 block of Ninth Street after he asked an employee of the property if he could "sleep it off." The man agreed not to drive until his ride arrived.  Police then checked a short time later and his vehicle was gone. An officer stopped him on Highway 20 near Christianson Road and arrested him on a charge of DUI. He allegedly thanked the officer for trying to give him a chance not to drive earlier. He refused to take a breath test because his license was already suspended for previously refusing a breath test. He faces charges of DUI and driving with a suspended license.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Anacortes DUI Driver pulls into 711, Cop then responds to 911

According to the Anacortes American, on June 13th a witness reported a possible underage drunk driver leaving Washington Park after the vehicle pulled out and several empty beer cans were left on the ground at the scene around 9:50 p.m. An officer found the vehicle a short time later as it pulled into a convenience store in the 1100 block of 12th Street. The driver, a 19-year-old Mount Vernon man, smelled of intoxicants. He failed field sobriety tests and was arrested. The driver reportedly provided breath samples twice the legal limit. He was cited on charges of DUI and underage drinking and released to a sober relative.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Anacortes Woman Blames Boyfriend for her Skagit County DUI

According to the Anacortes American, on June 11 an Anacortes officer stopped a car driven by a 58-year-old Anacortes woman for not wearing a seat belt in the 1600 block of Commercial Avenue around 7:32 p.m. She traveled four blocks before noticing the flashing lights and stopping. She was later arrested on a charge of DUI. She allegedly admitted having four drinks and taking prescription pills, and blamed her boyfriend for her drinking and driving. She provided breath samples almost twice the legal limit
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Island County DUI cases you MUST appear in Court the next Court day.

If you have been arrested for DUI in Island County, Washington (including Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Camano Island, you'll immediately discover that you'll have to appear in court on the next court day.  If you are from out of town you MUST stay or come back on the next available court day (ie. Monday).  Importantly, phone an attorney who is familiar with  Island County, Washington (including Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Camano Island) cases and the court procedures.  Get this free advice before you appear in court!

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Can I Change my Island County DUI Judge?

As mentioned in a previous blog, if you have been charged with a DUI in Island County, Washington (including Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Camano Island), you may wonder what Judges you may face.  That answer is Judge Strow or Commissioner Kipling.  So then, what if you prefer one Judge over the other?  Simple, you must file an Affidavit of Prejudice within 10 days of your first appearance in court.  This will allow you to preclude any participation by the Judge you chose not to appear in front of.  If this Affidavit is not filed timely then you are out of luck, you may get the Judge you do not wish.  Hence, hire a DUI attorney for your Island County DUI case immediately (this also applies to Skagit County or Snohomish County DUI cases).

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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What Judge will I face in Island County DUI cases?

If you have been charged with a DUI in Island County, Washington (including Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Camano Island), you may wonder what Judges you may face.  The answer is simple, Judge Strow or Commissioner Kipling.  That is it, unless one of them is absent or sick and then a Judge pro tem will fill in for them temporarily.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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What is the Reputation of the Island County Sheriff’s Office in DUI cases?

What is the reputation of Island County Sheriff's Office?  Depends who you ask!  Some point to their lack of success in handling the Barefoot Bandit case as a perfect example of their ineptitude. Others suggest that their aggressive stance on DUI drivers is a good illustration of their attitude towards proactive crime fighting.  I'll reserve my opinion publicly but it is important that law enforcement be graded, criticized, and forced to improve.  That is a certainty.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Does Island County Law Enforcement Stop DUI Drivers for Valid Reasons?

I have often asked if an officer can simply stop a driver for little to no reason.  Well, the answer depends on the actual reason for the stop.  This question demands a lengthy answer but let me provide some practical answers.  One set of examples comes directly from Island County, Washington (including Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Camano Island) where the "stop" of DUI drivers is constantly questioned by attorneys and law enforcement from outside of Island County.  From within the County you will not find this opinion, but from a more objective view, outside of the County, Washington State Troopers and the Island County Sheriff's Department has a questionable reputation for detaining DUI drivers.  That being said, the percentages of stops based on equipment violations (ie. dimmed lights, high beam lights, license place lights) is substantially higher than other neighboring Counties.  These "weak" stops will continue until the County, its law enforcement and Judiciary begin to think like the rest of us.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Skagit County Office for DUI Defense is Moving!

For all of our potential Skagit County DUI clients please note that we are moving from our previous Skagit County office in Anacortes to a new office.  While the new office is prepared, which unfortunately will take some time, we will be doing all of our work in our Mukilteo office.  As a reminder, the Mukilteo office is only 30 minutes from the Skagit County Court and easy to access off of I5.  Please check back for an announcement when the new Skagit County office opens.  This new office will help service our Skagit County DUI cases much better.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

Monday, June 21, 2010

No Ignition Interlock when Required means new DUI for Anacortes Man in Skagit County

According to the Anacortes American, on June 9, 2010, an Anacortes police officer stopped a pickup because the registered owner had a suspended driver’s license and an interlock requirement from a previous DUI arrest. The man reportedly smelled strongly of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes and empty beer cans in his pockets.  He refused to perform field sobriety tests (the right thing to do, by the way!) and was arrested on a charge of DUI. He provided breath samples more than three times the legal limit (not the right thing to do!). His pickup lacked the required interlock device. He faces charges of DUI, driving with a suspended license and not having the interlock device.

I wonder how the police officer knew the driver was the person with the suspended license? 

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

DUI App for the Accused Making History: Snohomish, Island, and Skagit County DUI Attorney David N. Jolly authors first DUI App to help and educate the Defendant

The long awaited and much anticipated DUI App for the Accused, is finally available and receiving praise from several media outlets.  These reviews will be posted when publicly available, but the reviews are from several national media groups, technology magazines, local newspapers, and even from a prominent law enforcement individual.  Please check back in the weeks ahead for the posting of these reviews.  As a reminder the DUI App for the Accused is the ONLY app available in the United States that details the DUI process and helps the accused defend him or herself.  It also provides valuable information for the individual.  The App is available on iTunes. 

Click here for more information:  http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dui-app-for-the-accused/id372536482?mt=8

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BAC results and foreign substances in Snohomish County DUI Case

If you have been arrested for DUI and proceed to the BAC test and provide a breath sample while having a foreign substance in your mouth, would that invalidate the BAC readings?  I’ll give you a typical lawyer response, maybe.  However, if the officer made no attempt to check your mouth or did a lousy job, then having a foreign substance in your mouth certainly does invalidate the BAC results according to the Washington State RCW.  On the other hand if the officer asked you if you had anything in your mouth and you said “no,” but did, then you’re out of luck.

However, what if you do have a foreign substance (ie. chewing tobacco) in your mouth, the officer knows of this, yet makes no mention in the police report, what then?  Your (and any witnesses) word versus the officer I am afraid.  Such is the case with another client of mine.  Yes, occasionally officer’s are not completely honest and occasionally they forget, either way you may be disadvantaged.  Talk with your attorney though as it would be their job to investigate this unfortunate set of circumstances.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


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9800 Harbour Place, Suite 204           Office: (425) 493-1115

Mukilteo, WA 98275                          Cell: (425) 343-2915          

                                                                Fax: (425) 645-5713

802 7th Street                                          Toll Free: (877) 293-2275  

Anacortes, WA 98221                        Office: (360) 293-2275

www.davidjollylaw.com                      Email: david@davidjollylaw.com


Monday, June 14, 2010

Drunkest Cities in America - No Snohomish County, Skagit County, Island County or King County Cities included!

Men's Health Magazine has released its ranking of "America's Drunkest Cities". The study took into account a number of factors, such as incidents of car crashes attributable to alcohol, the number of arrests for driving under the influence and the death rates from alcoholic liver disease.
Fresno, California was ranked the drunkest city for the year. Rounding out the top five positions are Reno, Nevada; Billings, Montana; Riverside, California and Austin, Texas. The least drunk city, coming in at the 100 position, is Boston, Massachusetts.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Washington State DUIs - Ken Schram's Opinion

After the tragic and unnecessary deaths over the weekend due to DUI drivers, the media has jumped on the band wagon and have brought Washington State DUIs back into the news.  Ken Schram, the local media shock jock actually had some interesting thoughts.  I have listened to Schram's comments on DUIs in the past and have thought him to be misinformed and not as knowledgeable as he should be - as he's misquoted the law and has not much more than a cursory understanding of DUI law.  However, his comments this time are a little more on point, although his suggestions perhaps not feasible.  What follows is a review and the link to the entire article will show more:
Ken Schram's Article:
So what exactly should we do?
That was a fundamental question to my commentary on the two high school seniors killed last week by a suspected drunk driver.
Over the weekend, six people were injured
when a woman smashed into a car in Thurston County.  The State Patrol says she was drunk.
For the rest of the article click here:  http://www.komonews.com/opinion/kenschram/96300174.html
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Washington State DUI filed as Vehicular Homicde

SEATTLE -- Prosecutors have filed two charges of vehicular homicide charges against the man suspected of being drunk and causing the crash that claimed the life of two Federal Way teens near Southcenter Mall Wednesday.  Alexander Peder is being held on $1 million bail.
Click here for the story:  http://www.komonews.com/news/local/96332614.html
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Anacortes, Skagit County DUI Trooper Wins Award

Washington State Patrol Trooper Scott Betts is committed to the Anacortes community and was recognized last month for his work with the 2009 Will Bachofner Award.
It is based on nine criteria, including working with citizens and groups while off duty, supporting department programs and additional job responsibilities.
Read the story here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_trooper_earns_prestigious_state_patrol_honor/
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Woman Arrested for DUI in Accident that Injured Five

LACEY, Wash. - Six people were injured early Saturday when a suspected drunk driver smashed into another car on a two-lane highway in Thurston County, the Washington State Patrol reports.
State troopers responded to the scene, on Highway 510 near Lacey, at about 1:55 a.m. Saturday.
An investigation found that a 2002 Dodge Durango driven by a 31-year-old Olympia woman plowed into a 2000 Toyota Camry with five people inside.
Read the story here:  http://www.komonews.com/news/local/96211909.html
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Woman Arrested for DUI in Washington State Accident

The Washington State Patrol says a woman has been arrested for investigation of drunken driving after a collision that critically injured one man and seriously injured another.
Troopers say the accident occurred at about 2 a.m. Saturday on State Route 510 near Lacey. They say a vehicle driven by 31-year-old Charie Coulliette, of Olympia, crossed the center line and hit the other car head-on.
Click here for the story: http://lacey.komonews.com/content/woman-arrested-connection-saturday-dui-crash
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Candidate for County Prosecutor in Washington State arrested for DUI

SEATTLE (AP) - A lawyer running for Clallam County prosecutor has been arrested for investigation of DUI and drug charges after he allegedly brandished a knife at a ticket agent at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

For more information click here:  http://www.komonews.com/news/local/95880649.html

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


King County DUI Suspect causes multiple collisions

SEATTLE -- A suspected drunk driver on a reckless rampage crashed into three cars before being taken into custody by state troopers on Friday night.  Some time after the two crashes, the driver exited from the northbound lanes and got onto the southbound lanes of I-5.  Troopers caught up to him near the Lakeview Blvd. exit. They said the driver is a 29-year-old man with several prior DUI convictions.

For more information click here:  http://www.komonews.com/news/local/95673509.html

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Port Orchard (Washington State) mayor Avoid DUI Conviction


Port Orchard Mayor Lary Coppola has been approved for a program that would reduce a drunken driving charge to negligent driving, if he avoids any violations for two years.  The Kitsap Sun reports Coppola accepted the pretrial diversion Thursday while pleading not guilty in Pierce County District Court to the DUI charge.  Information from: Kitsap Sun, http://www.kitsapsun.com/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Witness heard passengers trying to convince driver not to drive - then driver arrested for DUI in Skagit County

According to the Anacortes American, a witness reported hearing passengers in a vehicle leaving a grocery store parking lot trying to convince the driver he was too intoxicated around 12:22 a.m. An Anacortes police officer found the vehicle as it stopped in the 1100 block of Longview Avenue. The officer contacted the driver, a 21-year-old Fidalgo Island man who smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot, watery eyes. He allegedly performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was arrested on a charge of DUI. He refused to take the breath test. He was cited and released to a sober friend.

Editor’s Note:  This person should argue that the case should be dismissed based on these facts.  The law he should cite is, Campbell v. DOL which states that a witness statement must be corroborated.  Further, there are significant issues regarding whether the officer had probable cause to stop/contact the driver. 

For more information on the story click here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_police_blotter_june_2_2010/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Anacortes driver released on DUI then commits burglary and motor vehicle theft

According to the Anacortes American, the Swinomish Tribal Police assisted Anacortes Police in arresting a 59-year-old Hope Island man for investigation of burglary and motor vehicle theft only one hour after the Swinomish Police had arrested him for DUI. He was initially released on the DUI charge, but was arrested again on the new charges and booked into jail.

For more information on the story click here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_police_blotter_june_2_2010/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Speeding Anacortes man arrested for DUI, Reckless Driving and DWLS in Skagit County

According to the Anacortes American, an Anacortes police officer stopped a car on West Third Street around 1:25 a.m. after clocking it at 78 miles per hour in the 30 mph zone on Oakes Avenue.  He was arrested on charges of reckless driving, DUI and driving with a suspended license.
For more information on the story click here:

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


One Car Accident, two DUI arrests (both under the age of 18): Anacortes, Skagit County DUIs

According to the Anacortes American, a 16-year-old Guemes Island girl and a 17-year-old Fidalgo Island boy were arrested on DUI charges after a car the girl was driving reportedly rear ended an SUV driven by the boy around 7:57 p.m. Sunday, May 30 in the 900 block of Fourth Street, in Anacortes.  The teens were released to their parents.

For more information on the story click here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_police_blotter_june_9_2010/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Mount Vernon, Skagit County woman arrested for DUI in Anacortes

According to the Anacortes American, a 48-year-old Mount Vernon woman was arrested on a charge of DUI after she drove her pickup into a ditch in the 600 block of 34th Street in Anacortes around 6:54 p.m. She was uninjured but allegedly told the officer she was “buzzed.” She smelled strongly of intoxicants, was very unsteady on her feet and failed filed sobriety tests. She later refused the BAC test.

For more information on the story click here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_police_blotter_june_9_2010/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Anacortes man found slumped over steering wheel arrested for Skagit County DUI

According to the Anacortes American, a witness reported a pickup truck almost strike several cars before pulling into the parking lot at a market in the 1900 block of Skyline Way around 2:42 p.m.   The driver, a 56-year-old Anacortes man, was slumped over the steering wheel with the engine running when contacted by an officer.  After the typical observations and field sobriety tests he was arrested on a charge of DUI and refused to take the breath test. For more information on the story click here:  http://www.goskagit.com/home/article/anacortes_police_blotter_june_9_2010/

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Skagit County DUI Cases Affected by Skagit County District Court Ruling Regarding BAC Admissibility

As part of an ongoing series of motions being brought in courts to challenge BAC results in DUI cases, most recently the Skagit County District Court heard the same motion.  This motion is to argue that because the Washington State Toxicology Lab will not release information regarding the margin of error with the BAC machine then all cases must be suppressed.

The Skagit County ruled on this issue in the following manner:

Breath: “To be admissible, breath test results for alcohol must be stated in terms that include an estimate of uncertainty associated with the measurement.”

Blood: “At this juncture, admission of blood test results does not require an estimate of uncertainty.”

In summary, the Breath Tests for Skagit County DUI cases now require the State to provide some margin of error estimate (they have previously not been able to do so) but blood draws are unaffected.

This may positively impact your Skagit County DUI case!

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big Blow to Defendants Charged with DUI in Snohomish County District Court, South Division (Lynnwood)

Recently, a motion was heard in Snohomish County District Court, South Division.  Representing numerous defendants, including 6 of my own clients, was attorney Ted Vosk and Dr. Emory.  These experts in their respective fields argued that the BAC results (in Snohomish County DUI cases) are not reliable because the toxicology office refuses to inform the public what the margin of error is with the BAC machine.   However, Judge Goodwin declined the motion and ruled in favor of the prosecuting attorney.  His ruling can be obtained by emailing my office – I will send you a copy.

Unfortunate and perhaps unfair (and perhaps even wrong), but despite the ruling the fact remains that the government (Toxicology Lab) is withholding information that it rightly should not.  This Lab is the same Lab that lied about results and committed perjury not so long ago.  Why are they withholding this information?  Good question.  But again, regardless of this result, the toxicology lab remains an organization void of trust.  I ask you, why is it acceptable for a governmental agency that is funded by our tax dollars to withhold and hide information?  Why is this behavior tolerated?  Not every judge will side with this defense argument but it is expected that in the near future a strong judge will take a stand and do what is right.  Until then, status quo.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Skagit County DUI: No headlights = DUI

On May 14th, an Anacortes police officer stopped a pickup in the 2800 block of D Avenue for driving at night without headlights. The driver, a 46-year-old Anacortes man, smelled strongly of intoxicants, had slurred speech and watery eyes, and fumbled for his driver's license. He allegedly failed field sobriety tests and was arrested on investigation of DUI. An open can of beer reportedly was found in the vehicle. The driver allegedly admitted he had four beers. He provided breath samples nearly twice the legal limit. He was cited and released to his wife.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Washington DUI cases and Toxicology Fraud getting attention in California

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Be Forewarned all Snohomish, Skagit, Island, and King County Drivers: Washington State Patrol Prepares for Memorial Day Weekend (DUI Emphasis)

The following is a media release from the Washington State Patrol regarding their DUI Emphasis patrols over the Memorial Day Weekend.
The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is reminding motorists that they will be patrolling the interstate and state routes aggressively enforcing traffic laws with special attention being paid to speed, aggressive driving, seatbelt violations and impaired driving during for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend. 
Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer and summer travel.  If you are traveling, expect delays due to the heavier than usual traffic volume.  Leave yourself plenty of time to make your destination.  Ensure your vehicle is ready for the trip by checking your vehicles fluid levels and tires.  Make sure your spare tire and jack are in good working order.  Have food, water, and a first aid kit, in addition to a communication device in cases where an emergency might arise.
Although Washington State roadways are currently enjoying the lowest fatality rate since 1955, driving a car is still one of the biggest threats to the public's safety.  The three biggest contributors to serious injury and fatality collisions are impaired driving, speed, and lack of seatbelt usage.  It is for these reasons that all available troopers will be out looking for these dangerous violations during this holiday weekend.
The WSP wants everyone to do their part this weekend – buckle-up, don't drink and drive, slow down and share the road.
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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Be Aware Snohomish, Skagit, Island, and King County Drivers: WSP Increasing Patrols over Memorial Day Weekend

The following is a media release from the Washington State Patrol regarding their DUI Emphasis Patrols over the Memorial Day Weekend: 
The Washington State Patrol is preparing for the Memorial Day weekend by placing extra troopers along our state routes. Troopers assigned to District 8 will be dedicating themselves to enforcement of traffic laws related to speed, seatbelt use and impaired driving. In addition, as traffic volumes increase due to holiday travelers, troopers will be readily available to assist as needed.
Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest weekends of the year. Counties located throughout District 8 are well known as popular tourist areas and see increased traffic during holiday weekends. The Washington State Ferries are used heavily over holiday weekends, and the WSP encourages motorists to be patient and prepare for delays.
While the Washington State Patrol recognizes that Memorial Day weekend is a time when people get together and celebrate, impaired drivers often turn the celebration into tragedy. We encourage people to enjoy their celebration, but most importantly we want people to make smart decisions so they are alive to enjoy the next celebration.
The number one objective of the troopers in District 8 is to make sure the roadways are safe for the motoring public. With so many extra travelers on the roadway, it becomes critical for drivers to buckle up, drive sober and obey the speed limits.
Please consider the following tips to ensure all motorists enjoy a safe Memorial Day weekend:
  • Plan ahead by designating a sober driver if you plan to drink.
  • Prepare for delays by allowing yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.
  • Always remember to buckle up, and make sure passenger do, too.
  • Pay attention and obey posted speed limits.
  • Stay focused! Inattention is often a main contributor in collisions
For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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