DUI books by David N. Jolly

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anacortes Skagit County DUI Lawyer: Skagit County Police Blotter May 11, 2011

Anacortes Skagit County DUI Lawyer: Skagit County Police Blotter May 11, 2011

An officer stopped a vehicle in the 2400 block of Commercial Avenue for an equipment violation around 3:42 p.m. Wednesday, May 4. The driver gave a false name but eventually provided his real name. He had warrants and allegedly admitted being in the country illegally.

He allegedly said he has already been deported so many times he has lost count. The driver was turned over to U.S. Border Patrol.

His employer soon contacted Anacortes officers after being alerted by the man's passenger about the situation. The employer reported the man has been working for him under a different name and Social Security number. The investigation continues.

Among the other 183 cases handled by Anacortes police during the previous week:

Friday, April 29

• Police responded to the 1900 block of Commercial Avenue about a vehicle on fire around 10:44 a.m. Officers assisted with traffic control until firefighters arrived and extinguished the fire.

• Several attempted vehicle prowls were reported in the temporary parking lot for the Guemes Ferry off Seafarers Way. It appears suspects used a metal object to try to defeat the locks but only succeeded in causing damage to vehicles. One vehicle owner reported a broken window but nothing was stolen.

• Officers responded to I Avenue about a dispute between a husband and wife. The husband allegedly kicked in a door to gain access to the house after the wife locked him outside due to his erratic behavior. Officers learned earlier he left a hospital against medical advice after treatment for a concussion. The man was arrested on a charge of domestic violence malicious mischief. He was cited and released to seek further treatment at the hospital.

Saturday, April 30

• A resident of the 1400 block of 32nd Street reported sometime in the past two weeks someone removed the rear license plate of her vehicle.

• A 20-year-old man with warrants was contacted in the 2300 block of Q Avenue and arrested around 5:34 p.m. He protested, allegedly saying he thought his mother took care of the warrants for him. He was carrying a backpack that he dropped on the ground as the officer approached and immediately claimed was not his. A search revealed several baggies of marijuana. Drug charges are pending.

• While on patrol in the 1700 block of Commercial Avenue an officer noticed a vehicle with a defective headlight around 11:13 p.m. The officer stopped the driver to tell him of the issue. While talking with the driver, the officer noted a strong smell of unburnt marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The officer asked the driver about the source of the smell and the female passenger allegedly admitted she had marijuana. She was cited for possession and released. The driver was warned about the headlight.

Sunday, May 1

• A 911 call was received around 12:19 a.m. about a woman sitting on the edge of Anaco Beach Road crying. She told officers she called her estranged husband to pick her up because she had been drinking. When he arrived, he had also been drinking. The couple started arguing in the car and, according to the woman, her husband said some cruel things to her so she slapped his face and told him to let her out of the car. She said she opened the car door to get out and he shoved her, causing her to fall out onto the ground. He threw her purse out after her and drove away.

Arrangements were made for a safe place for the woman to stay for the night and attempts were made to find the husband. The next morning both parties came to police station and gave statements. Once sober they said the behavior was uncharacteristic of their 30-year marriage and was made worse by alcohol consumption. The woman allegedly admitted she had "turned into a crazy person" and struck her husband several times in the face as they were screaming at each other in the car. Both said she opened the car door and tried to get out while the vehicle was still moving.

Having a clearer head, she believes her husband tried to prevent her from jumping out of the moving car and hadn't pushed her out. A charging decision is pending based on the new information.

• A newspaper delivery driver called around 6:16 a.m. to report evidence of a collision at 11th Street and D Avenue. It appeared a vehicle failed to stop for the stop sign and skidded through the intersection into a tree. The vehicle then left, leaving a trail of vehicle parts (including the license plate) and transmission fluid that led officers to the suspect's house.

The damaged vehicle was parked in the driveway with a shredded front tire. Several attempts were made to contact the driver but nobody answered the door. The driver was contacted later and provided two versions of the incident, claiming at different points during the conversation that the accelerator had stuck and something got stuck under the accelerator and when he reached down to fix the problem, he ran the stop sign and hit the tree. The driver said he had not been drinking in the accident but had hit his head and was not thinking clearly so he drove home. The driver was cited for hit and run.

• A vehicle owner returned after leaving her car parked on Cabana Lane for several days and found someone used a screwdriver on the locks. Access was not gained but the locks were damaged.

Monday, May 2

• Officers responded to Third Street about a woman reportedly being assaulted by her husband's brother. The suspect fled before officers arrived. The suspect allegedly grabbed the victim by the throat and pushed her down, breaking a laundry hamper under her. He reportedly squeezed her throat and yelled threats to kill her and put her body into crab pots. The suspect has not been found. A felony assault charge is pending.

• A business in the 1600 block of Commercial Avenue cashed three checks that had been reported stolen out of Oak Harbor. A suspect has been identified.

• Officers were dispatched to a building in the 800 block of Commercial Avenue about an altercation between residents around 9:30 p.m. One resident allegedly used some items belonging to another. The items were returned to the proper owner.

Tuesday, May 3

• A man came to the police station to report his pickup missing. The vehicle had been marked for overtime parking several times and he thought it may have been towed, but there was no record of it being impounded. He was perplexed at how the truck could be stolen because it did not have a battery and could not be driven. The owner said his neighbors were irate over the vehicle being on the street for so long. The vehicle was later found at Storvik Park. Tire tracks indicate it was towed into the parking lot with the transmission in park.

• An officer on patrol saw a vehicle southbound in the 2400 block of Commercial Avenue drift into the center turn lane and straddle the yellow line for part of a block just after 9 p.m. The vehicle moved into the right turn only lane to turn westbound onto 32nd Street but continued forward through the intersection. The officer contacted the driver and his 17-year-old daughter, who was a passenger. The man he did not have his license with him but verbally identified himself. While talking with the driver, the officer noticed an odor of intoxicants and that the driver's eyes were bloodshot and his face was flushed.

The driver denied drinking alcohol and agreed to exit the vehicle to talk with the officer. As he got out, the man allegedly had to hold onto the door to maintain his balance. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was arrested on a charge of DUI. He allegedly became irate, screaming at the officer to the point his daughter got out of the car and tried to calm him down. He was transported to police station for processing. His daughter was given a ride to wait for her mother to come pick them both up at the police station. The driver was cited and released.

Wednesday, May 4

• A man reported his vehicle was prowled more than a week ago while parked in the 1300 block of Broadview. He just realized his passport and checkbook were taken. He checked his bank statement and found two checks were written on his account from the stolen checkbook. The investigation continues.

• A resident of the 900 block of Seventh street reported a custom built outdoor firepit/barbecue grill was stolen from his yard. 

• A woman reported fraudulent use of her debit card. She was notified by her bank of several suspicious charges to her account in Canada. More than $1,600 worth of purchases were made before the account was frozen. The victim said she does not have any ties to Canada and does not know how her account number was compromised.

• Officers responded to Q Avenue about a domestic dispute between a 48-year-old woman and her 29-year-old daughter who live together and were arguing about money most of the day. Each claimed being assaulted by the other. There was no evidence to support the mother's version of events and the daughter had visible facial injuries. The mother was arrested and booked into Skagit County Jail.

Thursday, May 5

• A man called from the 4600 block of Blakely Drive to report a suspicious woman in his backyard pounding on the windows around 1:54 a.m. The subject wandered off by the time officers arrived but was found nearby. The 20-year-old female was highly intoxicated and having great difficulty communicating. It was determined she was staying at her parents' house nearby and had wandered off. She got confused in the dark and mistook the reporting party's house for her parents' house. She was transported home and turned over to her parents. Underage drinking charges are being filed through the court.

• Officers were notified of spray-painted graffiti on two buildings in the 300 block of Commercial Avenue.

• A woman called 911 to inquire about her vehicle being towed from the temporary Guemes Ferry parking lot. Officers told her Skagit County had her vehicle towed. They also told her she had warrants. The woman was arrested on the warrants and searched. Some illegal drugs were found in her backpack. She was booked into jail on the warrants and cited for the drugs. 

• A resident of the 4400 block of Queen Anne Way reported sometime overnight her unlocked vehicle was entered and a camera was stolen.

• Police received a complaint around 7 p.m. that a vehicle was doing "donuts" in the high school parking lot for an hour. Officers contacted the 28-year-old male driver. He was counseled about his driving.

• Officers responded to K Avenue about a possible domestic dispute around 9:32 p.m. The incident was verbal in nature, largely due to the man being highly intoxicated. He was given a ride to a friend's house to spend the night. 

At 1:37 a.m. police were called back after the man returned and pounded on the door demanding to be let in. When officers arrived they found the man climbing a ladder to access the roof.  He was reportedly aggressive and abusive in his behavior and language towards officers. He continued to yell and curse at officers, threatening them with bodily harm and calling them profane names. Despite numerous warnings to keep his voice down and not disturb the neighborhood, the man allegedly continued to challenge officers to fight him and yell obscene language. The man was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct. He was transported to Skagit County Jail for booking. 


For information on your Skagit County DUI please contact our Skagit County  DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115, email us at david@davidjollylaw.com,  or check out our main website at http://www.washdui.com or www.mukilteodui.com, www.everett-dui.co, www.marysville-dui.com, www.dui-bothell.com, or www.anacortesdui.com

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