DUI books by David N. Jolly

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Skagit County DUI Attorney: City of Mount Vernon DUI Information

The following information is from the City of Mount Vernon website:  http://www.ci.mount-vernon.wa.us/page.asp_Q_navigationid_E_252


(for offenses occurring after August 31, 1995)

Even though you have been charged with DUI, you may be eligible to petition (ask) the Court to be placed on Deferred Prosecution. The Deferred Prosecution program is an alternative to conviction and punishment for those persons who have an alcohol (or drug or mental) problem and who will benefit from a treatment program. If you are accepted into AND COMPLETE the Deferred Prosecution program, you will not be convicted of the offense with which you are currently charged, nor be required to serve any jail time or pay a fine, nor will you lose your license to drive a motor vehicle. Also, at the end of the two year period, the charges against you will be dismissed (but may be grounds for an enhanced penalty if you subsequently commit DUI). You will, however, be required to complete successfully an intensive two year treatment program for your alcohol, drug or mental problem, and arrange to pay the cost of such treatment, and you will also be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device on any car you drive for a period designated at the time of deferral.


However, the Court will NOT accept a Petition for Deferred Prosecution from anyone who sincerely believes they are innocent of DWI, or who believes that they do not, in fact, have an alcohol (or drug or mental) problem.

Furthermore, before you are accepted into the Deferred Prosecution program, you will be required to stipulate (admit) to the facts contained in the police reports (including the results of any breath or blood alcohol tests). Those reports will be used to convict you of the offense charged if the Court finds cause to remove you from the program.

You MUST AND WILL be removed from the program (and be found guilty and sentenced without further trial) if you are convicted of an offense similar to the one with which you are currently charged, during the Deferred Prosecution period and you MAY AND PROBABLY WILL be removed from the program (and be found guilty and sentenced without further trial) if you fail to follow and complete the treatment program or otherwise fail to comply with all of the terms of the order placing you on Deferred Prosecution.

EVEN IF you decide not to petition for Deferred Prosecution, and if you are subsequently found guilty of the offense charged, you may still seek suspension of some of the fine or jail sentence on condition that you seek and obtain treatment for your alcohol, drug or mental problem. Also, you may always seek treatment from public or private agencies at any time without regard to whether or not you are found guilty. In addition, you are advised that if you are found guilty, the Court or Director of Licenses may still require you to enter and complete a treatment program even if you do not petition for Deferred Prosecution.

If you wish to investigate the advisability of petitioning for Deferred Prosecution, tell the Judge when you are arraigned, and you will be referred to a state approved alcohol (or drug or mental health) evaluation agency, and your case will be continued (postponed) to allow time for an evaluation to be made. After the evaluation is completed, you can decide whether or not you wish to enter the Deferred Prosecution program, or proceed to trial on the charge.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are charged with second offense DUI within 5 years of being placed on deferred prosecution for or convicted of DUI, it is or may be a crime for you to transfer any interest you have in the car you were driving until the case is completed (or for 60 days after conviction), and if you are convicted, the car may be forfeited to the State (or City).

THE COURT CANNOT ISSUE AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. Occupational licenses may be granted by the Department of Licenses, but not during the first 30 days of any license suspension, nor during any period your license is suspended for refusal to take a breath or blood test or for a conviction under #2 or #3 above, or within 5 years of the time a prior DWI was committed. (RCW 46.20.391)

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, Whatcom County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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