DUI books by David N. Jolly

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Chances of Getting Arrested for DUI in Skagit County, Snohomish County, Island County or King County

Measuring the Chances of DUI Arrest

In a project to measure the probability of getting arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants as it relates to blood alcohol concentration, the Midwest Research Institute of Kansas City, MO, has explored public awareness about the extent to which DUI laws are enforced. Once discerned, this information could be useful to increase public awareness, help the police force in locating drunk drivers, aid in the evaluation of possible DUI candidates, and help provide quantification of intoxicated drivers on public roads.

Alcohol Safety Action Projects (ASAP), a workshop funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), conducted interviews of thousands of people in order to ascertain the level of public understanding of DUI law enforcement. Interviewees were asked several questions, including what they speculated the possibility was that they may be stopped by the police after having had several drinks.

Unfortunately, the question does not have an accurate answer, especially if the intoxication level, or blood alcohol content (BAC), is not designated. While general ideas of such probabilities do exist, in-depth research had not been previously carried out on this topic. Estimates from previous reports calculate that for a 10-mile ride with a BAC above 0.10% the probability of arrest would be about one in 670, while the Midwest Research Institute states in their recent report that in fact that chances are about one in 200.

After measuring this probability of a DUI arrest under controlled conditions of patrolling and traffic counts, then one can also assess how many drivers would possess a set BAC range. A random survey of volunteer motorists driving in the same patrol area provided the outcome of BAC in drivers who were not arrested, while police records gave the BAC distribution of those who were arrested. Once this probability can be firmly established, then communities without ASAPs could avoid expensive roadside surveys and also be convinced of the value of ASAPs in their communities.

This information could greatly assist police patrols with managing DUI patrols as it would offer a fixed standard to use in ascertaining the performance of his unit. More importantly, precise calculation of the probabilities of being arrested for DUI will aid in garnering the trust and confidence of the public in carrying out future public education campaigns against drunk driving.

For information on your Washington State DUI please contact our Snohomish County DUI attorneys, King County DUI attorneys, Island County DUI attorneys, or Skagit County DUI attorneys at 425-493-1115 or check out our website at http://www.washdui.com

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